List of products by brand Oggioni

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Oggioni: The Specialist in Storage Beds

For over 30 years, Oggioni has established itself as a leader in the storage bed sector. Founded in 1988, the company transformed an innovative idea into its core mission, becoming a recognized reference point thanks to insights, inventions, and patents that have marked its evolution.


Oggioni has reimagined the bed as a versatile element capable of serving multiple functions. It’s not just a place to sleep; it’s a piece of furniture that opens, stores, and lifts, making living spaces feel larger and everyday life simpler.


Oggioni's storage beds are born from careful design focused on ease of use for opening mechanisms, safety, and functionality in the bedroom. Each component, from the mattress to the gas springs, is engineered for durability and to optimize the space underneath the bed.

Made in Italy

Every Oggioni storage bed is entirely made in Italy, following a "short supply chain" that ensures the high quality of our products. In our workshop, we meticulously create all the upholstery and textile accessories with artisan care. Our commitment to craftsmanship is reflected in attention to detail and continuous innovation in working with fabrics, leathers, and synthetic materials, offering a rich and diverse collection.

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