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Founded in 1958 in Predappio di Romagna, Tumidei has over sixty years of experience in a time marked by significant changes in the concept of home and family living. The continuous pursuit of increasingly sophisticated furniture solutions, aligned with consumer needs, has been a key factor in the company's success and has driven steady growth over time.
Today, Tumidei is a modern and well-equipped company, employing around 100 people and occupying 15,000 square meters. Our production processes are designed to manage the entire production chain, ensuring high-quality products. We are certified under UNI EN ISO 9001 (quality), ISO 14001 (environment), and OHSAS 18001 (safety).
Tumidei is among the first companies to be certified with an integrated system for quality, environment, and safety, issued by the certification body ICILA, part of the IMQ group. We have also received the "Excellence" certificate, demonstrating our commitment to systematic management according to recognized international standards, addressing complex issues such as effectiveness, efficiency, environmental impact, and worker safety. We prioritize the responsible treatment of our collaborators, promoting continuous improvement of performance and the social impact of our activities.
We utilize CARB Phase 2 certified panels, ensuring formaldehyde emissions below 0.09 ppm. Our products are safe, guaranteed, patented, tested, and reliable.
Environmental protection is one of our core values. Since our inception, we have prioritized a conscious relationship with the surrounding environment. In 2006, Tumidei obtained UNI EN ISO 14001 certification, demonstrating our deep respect for nature, the conservation of natural resources, and the responsible use of raw materials. To minimize our environmental impact, we use production scraps to generate thermal energy for our internal needs. This approach aligns with growing public awareness of ecological issues, and Tumidei continues to invest in resources and eco-friendly technologies that enhance our products, activities, and services.
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