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In 1958 Giovanni and Francesco Bolletta, two young joiners, created the Binova brand in Assisi, Umbria, the green heart of Italy, and started a company that has made and still is making the history of high quality kitchens.
Ever since, Binova has been leading the important journey of the Italian kitchen production, exploring all the potential of wood and analysing the material science and technology.
A real cultural and technological challenge that this company faces with an imposing production line, always heading to new materials, thanks to their in-house Research and Development department that continuously creates new important and revolutionary combinations and design patents. All these years and experience allowed Binova to express an extraordinary talent for the choice of materials, their processing and whole kitchen furniture production.
Some of the most prestigious architects and designers are Binova’s precious partners, to guarantee an elegant and contemporary charm with special care for ergonomics and functionality: the key that makes out of Binova’s creations the most incredible laboratories for taste and pleasure.
In 2018 the brand became part of the Cubo Design group, led by Antonio Arangiaro.
This passage has been a real multidirectional booster for the company: a stronger passion for product research and development and the project of a brand new enlarged production plant, with the most advanced equipment to guarantee the constant quality and control of the whole production line, that will be completely in-house.
Binova is an ambassador of the Italian design in the World: severe and elegant, but also definitely glamorous and fascinating, enduring through the years.
2018 has the flavor of a real epochal step for Cubo Design. A radical reorganization of its main assets is implemented, through an interpretation of the future inspired by efficiency, effectiveness and respect for the environment, which in the new pole of 25.000 m² are concretized thanks to fully integrated technical, IT and energy solutions: Factory- One is born. A futuristic structure, in which the production of kitchens is addressed and resolved with intelligent systems, through the total integration between processes and human control.
A route with a linear progress and no longer with work islands, made up of highly technological machinery, interconnected and characterized by absolute precision, constantly guaranteed through the control carried out by skilled labor. Special sensors that exploit the connection to the network, allow you to monitor the various stages of industrial processing and to know in real time the status of the equipment on which they are connected. A system of excellence, in which the concept of industry 4.0 is fully implemented, becoming the driving force behind Cubo Design’s business.
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