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To avoid the boredom of acquired positions, to overcome the immobility of sedimented situations, to restart desires and pleasures, Campeggi imagines a bright and dynamic universe of objects ready to move and transform to satisfy your pleasure of living, living, changing . To accelerate before yawning, Campeggi offers you its own dictionary made up of Comfort, Agility, Movement, Pragmatism, Economics, Grace, Play, Unpredictability.
Comfort or the use of technologically advanced materials and the result of cutting-edge ergonomic studies; the physical but also mental agility of each piece in the collection; the Movement as a basic rule that allows the transformability of each project; the Pragmatism born of a company tradition which, while dreaming and pursuing unpublished imaginaries, does not go on fancy flights over impractical territories; Economy as the first goal; the Grace of measure, balance and sobriety, given by the close and complicit collaboration with the best international designers; Play as a pleasure taken seriously, certain of the importance of a smile; Unpredictability as a logical consequence of a company philosophy that does not practice the obvious and never rests on the positions acquired.
A dictionary like a catalog, therefore, constantly enriched with non-conformism, freshness, humor, invention and lightness. The objects of the Campeggi collection give life to a catalog that in the next few years will clearly constitute a reference for those looking for techno-typological innovation and non-banality, lightness and non-luxury, dynamic intelligence and not static immobility. Immobility avoids dialogue and does not record events in the world around us. The things that do not change are bound to dry up, only those that can change do not die.
Campeggi, always true to itself, keeps changing for you.
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