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"Tradition is to keep the fire alive, not to worship the ashes." (Gustav Mahler, 1903)
For 125 years, GLATZ AG, a family-owned business, has poured passion and expertise into the design and manufacturing of umbrellas. Today, we rank among the leading producers in Europe and worldwide, following the principle of our founders: not just keeping up with the times, but anticipating them.
Founded by Albert Glatz in 1895, the company began with fashionable rain and sun umbrellas. With contributions from his son Albert Jr. starting in 1926, the product range expanded to include garden umbrellas and the iconic ALEXO gear joint. Later, Dölf Glatz introduced patented solutions that elevated the comfort and functionality of our garden umbrellas to a global standard.
Now, under the leadership of Markus Glatz, CEO of the fourth generation, the company continues to thrive, offering umbrellas and outdoor solutions for homes, gardens, hotels, and restaurants, solidifying a strong reputation beyond national borders.
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